Please feel free to sign our guestbook if you so wish but we also have a Forum or "Message Board" which you can join. At present the forum has over a hundred
members who view and post messages, some on a daily basis. The forum can be accessed from the home page of the site by clicking on the "Message Board" link on
the left hand side. Once you have registered please be patient as the account has to be activated manually by the webmaster before you can use the forum. If you
have problems registering you can contact the webmaster by using the "Email" link in the site menu.
Click Here to Read or Sign our Latest Guestbook
This was our first guestbook. It is no longer in use but you can still read the entries
Click Here to Read Our Original Guestbook
This was our second guestbook. Unfortunately for some reason it ceased functioning. The pages were saved, however, and
you can read them by using the links below.
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This was our third guestbook. Unfortunately we had to stop using it because it was suffering a huge amount of spam. The pages were saved, however, and
you can read them by using the links below.
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The Govan Class bulk carrier M/V Baron Napier loading phosphate in Flying
Fish Cove, Christmas Island. The two conveyers were able to load the ship with 24,000 tons of cargo in eight hours. This
cargo was bound for New Zealand.
The SSM Prayer
Our gaffer who art in Glasgow
Hogarth is thy name
When will our relief's come
When will it be done
In Brisbane or Adelaide
Give us this day a plane ticket
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive the "AO's" trespasses against us
And lead us not into temperance
But deliver us from this evil
For thine is the power and the money
And now the story
Forever and ever