
We have compiled a compete library of "The Triad", the SSM journal. Each magazine contains interesting articles,
ship movements and crew lists for your enjoyment. We have also acquired some examples of the forerunners to the Triad, the Lyle
Journal and the Hogarth Newsletter. The Lyle Journals were kindly sent in by Alan Hill and John Drury. The Hogarth Newsletters are courtesy of Norman Clarke. The majority of the Triads are
from Jim Gray's collection, several came from Hugh Buchanan and one from Ian Warner. Click the links to view the publications, which are in pdf format. To view
them you will require Adobe Reader which most of you will already have installed on your computers but, if not, you can download it here.
You can, of course, download these documents for reading at your leisure. Just right click on the link to the publication that you require and choose
"Save Target As."
SSM Journal "Triad"
[Triad No.1] [Triad No.2]
[Triad No.3] [Triad No.4]
[Triad No.5] [Triad No.6]
[Triad No.7] [Triad No.8]
[Triad No.9] [Triad No.10]
[Triad No.11] [Triad No.12]
[Triad No.13] [Triad No.14]
[Triad No.15] [Triad No.16]
[Triad No.17] [Triad No.18]
[Triad No.19] [Triad No.20]
[Triad No.21] [Triad No.22]
[Triad No.23] [Triad No.24]
[Triad No.25] [Triad No.26]
[Triad No.27] [Triad No.28]
[Triad No.29]
Triad Newsletters and Triaddendums
These newsletters are courtesy of Willie Drennan and are basically crew lists which replaced the Triad magazine. They enabled staff to see at a glance where their
colleages were each month.
[Newsletter No.1] [Newsletter No.3]
[Newsletter No.5] [Triaddendum No.10]
Lyle Journals
[Lyle Journal No.3] [Lyle Journal No.6]
[Lyle Journal No.7] [Lyle Journal No.8]
[Lyle Journal No.10] [Lyle Journal No.11]
[Lyle Journal No.12] [Lyle Journal No.13]
[Lyle Journal No.14] [Lyle Journal No.15]
[Lyle Journal No.16] [Lyle Journal No.17]
[The Story of Lyle Shipping]
Lyle Newsletter No.6 and "The Story of Lyle Shipping" are courtesy of Simon Mitchell who is the nephew of the late Captain Reg Baker.
H. Hogarth & Sons Newsletter
[No.1, January 1967] [No.2, April 1967]
[No.3, July 1967] [No.4, October 1967]
[No.5, January 1968] [No.6, April 1968]
SSM Brochures
[SSM Brochure - We are Reliable] [Cape Ortegal]
[SSM Advertisement] [Officer Recruitment Brochure]
[New Builds 1983] [M/V World Youth]
[Cape Nelson Delivery Brochure] [SSM For Business]
[Horten Class Ships] [Haugesund Class Ships]
[Govan Class Ships]
The SSM Brochure was sent in by Roger Bancroft, relief Chief Officer on the Baron Pentland in 1983. Many of the photographs were taken in 1980 aboard
M/V Baron Napier on passage from New Zealand to Sydney. A little known fact is that the telephone which George McEwan is using in the shot of the Engine Control
Room did not actually work! Thanks are due to Roland Orange for his assistance in creating the pdf.
Miscellaneous Articles and Publications
[Cape Rodney III Plans] [Cape Rodney III Trials]
[Cape Rodney III Article from "Shipping World and Shipbuilder" 1st July 1965]
[Cape York and Temple Arch Literature]
[Cape St Vincent Newspaper Cuttings]
The Cape Rodney III literature was supplied by Carole Mallett, daughter of the late Captain C.G. Mallett who joined Lyles in 1942
and retired from SSM in 1972.

The above photo is of Jim McMaster's house in New Zealand. Jim was the harbour master at Christmas Island.

This is the staircase at Bob DeGroot's house in Holland. Bob was the manager at Amsterdamsche Droogdok Maatschappij during the re-engineing programme.